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Vocational Services

Supported Employment Services

Supported Employment is competitive integrated employment (CIE) in an integrated work setting. RCOC’s Employment Professionals work with the unique strengths, abilities, interests, and informed choice of the individual members. RCOC is connect with several Managed Care Organizations (MCO) and can also provide the resources need to connect to these MCOs.

Supported employment services are provided in a working relationship with many partners. RCOC can provide long term support in the workplace after assisting individuals in meeting their career goals. We support a good job match which will lessen the need for support and increase independence. 

Community Competitive Integrated Employment Services (DVR)

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

RCOC’s Employment Professionals contribute and evaluate individual strengths and connect members to their employment goals. DVR will assist individuals in creating Individualized Employment Plans and support services aimed at ensuring employment success. RCOC is contracted with DVR to help you with these services.

Employment Readiness Courses

RCOC’s Employment Readiness Courses are taught by a former Special Education Teacher. They are designed to increase the employability skills of all participants in a blended learning environment Work Readiness Skills are another step on the path to employability!

Many key factors contribute to the success of a blended learning programs for persons with disabilities. These include the need for small group learning opportunities, small instructor to participant ratios, and using real life situations for learning with practical skill applications.

​Hands of Opportunity (Racine County Opportunity Center)

Racine Office- 4214 Sheridan Road Racine, WI 53403  (262) 554-5006 Fax: (262) 554-6892

Burlington Office - 132 W Chestnut St, Burlington, WI 53105  (262)763-8012

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