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The Child Development Center

Childcare is an essential part to most families lives. Without it, many families wouldn't be able to work. Quality childcare, with passionate, dedicated and educated teachers, is not only difficult to find but also financially difficult to maintain. Paying staff a living wage, without increasing the tuition of families to unreasonable fees, is a balance we all struggle with.

Through COVID to present date, childcare centers have been able to apply for a grant through the state to subsidize their childcare centers to remain open. We receive the grant monthly, and with that grant we have been able to increase our overall wages to retain staff, reduce personal burnout, and support staff while they continue to support our families. These funds were supposed to last through January of 2024 with hopes (and a push by professionals in the field) to include such funding in the states biennial state budget for more permanent measures after January 2024.

However, on April 24th childcare centers received information that the state would be reducing the grant amount by 50% from June 2023 to January 2024. This will have an impact on not only our staff, but childcare centers state wide and in turn will have an impact on care that we can provide.

We are a "family run business"...and by that we mean OUR families run the business, we are here to service you...and your voices need to be heard. Yesterday, May 8th, was "A Day Without Childcare" where many organizations closed as a way to be heard. Below is a link to our facebook page where you can find the press conference from May 8th where many childcare organizations and parents spoke out from the local areas of Racine and Kenosha.

I know many of our families plates are full, but if you have the time, reach out to our local state representatives and let your voice be heard how important quality childcare is to you and your family. Ask Michelle for a list of those representatives.

Again, we appreciate each and everyone of our families, and we are here to serve you, and to help your child grow. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your journey.

The Child Development Center, formally known as Nestling Place, is a state licensed group center that is open to the public but specializes with children with special needs.  

Other program highlights include:

  • We are open Monday through Friday from 5:30am to 6:30pm  
  • Flexible scheduling and Tuition Fees based on attendance
  • An indoor playground and fenced outdoor playground
  • Nutritious breakfast, lunch and snacks included in tuition and following USDA guidelines
  • Inclusive classrooms for all children of all needs
  • 4 Star Youngstar rating by the State of Wisconsin
  • Certified and experienced staff
  • Learning through Play philosophy

Looking for a way to giveback to our program? Below is our wish list for the Community Guidance Program! If you are able to provide any items please reach out to the contact listed.

Our Philosophy

The Child Development Center strives to meet every child at their developmental levels through play while meeting the families needs by connecting them to community resources.

Based on research provided by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), play is an essential part to the child's learning process. By embedding learning directly into the child's play, we can observe and monitor the child's growth in all areas of development including social-emotional , cognitive (or how a child learns), gross and fine motor (how the child moves), and communication.

This is, in part, why play is such an important component in our lesson planning and room environments.


Baby Blankets

Gently Used Towels

Batteries AA or AAA

Board books

Shaving cream

Clean Sand

Hot Wheels

Gently Worn Clothes

Contact: Michelle Beegle

Phone: (262) 822-5843


Our Curriculum

We use the Creative Curriculum to enhance our environment and day to day activities for all children to learn through play. Creative Curriculum is a research based curriculum that provides our teachers with todays' best practices to enhance all children's individual outcomes through effective teaching.


We overlap ages in our rooms to meet the needs of each individual child.

Butterfly Room: Birth - 2 years

Firefly Room: Birth-2 years 

Ladybug Room: 18 months - 3 years

Caterpillar Room: 18 months- 3 years

Honeybee Room: 2.5- 4 years

Grasshopper Room: 3-5 years

Dragonfly Room: 5-6 years

Additional Rooms for 6 years and plus

School age before/after school programming and summer programming

Developmental Assessments

Ages and Stages

The Ages & Stages assessments are used as an early intervention to identify infants and young children who may have developmental delays or disorders. We also use Six Simple Ways to Assess as another tool to assess and to track the development of the children in our care.

The areas that are assessed include:

  • Communication
  • Gross Motor
  • Fine Motor
  • Problem Solving
  • Personal-Social


For each individual child, the teachers take the above assessments to further meet children at their individual levels of development needs. 

Parent Conferences

Twice a year, we encourage parents to meet individually with their child's teacher to discuss the child's development, accomplishments, and concerns. The teachers and parents together decide on goals for the child and strategies that can be implemented both in the classroom and at home to help the child succeed. 

Tour, Tuition and Enrollment Information

Our tuition rates were developed with working parents as well as students in mind. We offer flexible scheduling with drop in and weekly flat rates available. Contact us for more information on how our fees work.

We encourage all parents to take a tour of our facility to see the grounds and meet the staff. At the tour we will be happy to provide you a packet with enrollment paperwork that we will go over together. After filling out the paperwork required, parents meet with the director for a 15 minute meeting to go over contract and any accommodations that we need to provide.

Please call 262-554-6738 to schedule your tour today!

Service Prices


We offer a flexible schedule based on the child's attendance.  Please call the director at 262-554-6515 for further information.  Prices updated January 2024

Infants Under 2 years



per week

Under 10 hours per week

Infants Under 2 years



per week

10-17 hours per week

Infants Under 2 years



per week

17-32 hours per week

Infants Under 2 years



per week

32 plus hours per week

2 years



per week

Under 10 hours per week

 2 years



per week

10-17 hours per week

2 years



per week

17-32 hours per week

 2 years



per week

32 plus hours per week

3-4 years



per week

Under 10 hours per week

 3-4 years



per week

10-17 hours per week

3-4 years



per week

17-32 hours per week

 3-4 years



per week

32 plus hours per week

5 plus years



per week

Under 10 hours per week

 5 plus years



per week

10-17 hours per week

5 plus years



per week

17-32 hours per week

 5 plus years



per week

32 plus hours per week

​Hands of Opportunity (Racine County Opportunity Center)

Racine Office- 4214 Sheridan Road Racine, WI 53403  (262) 554-5006 Fax: (262) 554-6892

Burlington Office - 132 W Chestnut St, Burlington, WI 53105  (262)763-8012

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